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Top Tips for City Driving

More often than not, our customers install a car camera because they’re looking for protection against other drivers on the roads around them. And that need for peace of mind is, understandably, highest in cities such as London, Birmingham and Manchester. Here, high traffic volumes and congestion make driving conditions difficult and stressful, and the result is that 75% of all UK motor accidents occur in urban environments.

We spoke to insurance company Adrian Flux, who said that although the most serious accidents tend to happen at higher speeds, city drivers suffer more than their fair share of shunts, bumps and scrapes. Their spokesperson also highlighted that it’s likely that the majority of ‘crash for cash’ accidents happen where there is less risk of serious injury – in other words, in urban areas.

With that in mind, we’ve produced our top tips for city driving to help you minimise the chance of being involved in an accident.

1.Keep your distance

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common forms of road traffic accident so by simply ensuring you have a safe distance between you and the car in front, you give yourself ample time to react to their actions safely. Also, by communication your actions well in advance, with clear indications and gentle breaking, you give drivers following you enough time to react accordingly, reducing the chances of being rear-ended yourself.

2. Give Yourself Time

Speeding is a major contributor to the accident rates in the UK, but by allowing yourself extra time to get to your destination, you can drive in a slow and calm manner. At slower speeds you are also able to analyse road conditions better which will help you to avoid any potential hazards.

3. Anticipate

Don’t just survey your immediate surroundings, such as the car in front and the one behind, ensure that you are aware of activity as far ahead of you as is possible, paying particular attention to junctions, pedestrian crossings and traffic lights. In city environments, pedestrian and cycle traffic can have a significant impact on vehicular activity, so be sure to make yourself aware of activity on the pavement and in cycle lanes, as well as on the road itself.

4. Read the Signs

Road signs are there for a reason, so make sure you pay attention to them as they give you early warning to any hazards on the road ahead. As well as road signs, road markings will also help you to identify any potential threats and allow you to react accordingly.

5.Regularly service your veichle

It’s one this making yourself more aware of the potential dangers of the road, but you also need to be sure that your vehicle is in good working order. Among other things, ensure that your brakes are in good condition so that you can stop effectively if required and that your lights, windscreen wipers and heater are working so that you have optimum visibility in all conditions.

6. Concentrate

It sounds simple, but every time you step behind the wheel of your vehicle, it requires your full concentration. Don’t allow yourself to get distracted by your stereo, sat nav or mobile phone. In busy cities, the landscape of the road ahead of you can change dramatically in a heartbeat, so ensure that you are focused at all times.

Follow these simple tips and you will greatly reduce the likelihood of being involved in accident. However, for those occasions that a collision is unavoidable, a car camera will ensure that you have irrefutable evidence as to the circumstances surrounding the event. This evidence can be crucial in proving your innocence, helping you to protect your no claims bonus and avoid rising insurance premiums. Also, with some insurers offering discounts to customers who install a car camera, there are potential savings to be made too. Adrian Flux commented that insurance premiums can also be higher in some urban areas in the UK, so discounts of up to 15 per cent can count for a lot more.

If you have any other top tips for safer driving please comment below.

Drive safely.